Festival Guests

We are pleased to inform you that this year, as in the years previous, Sokołowsko will host prominent figures of the world of film – directors, writers, cinematographers, producers and actors starring in the festival films, as well as critics and scholars of the art of film. For more information about this year’s guests please check the Program – Guests tab.



TARASOW Ajka Film critic workshops coordination
BANASZKIEWICZ Sylwester I, Olga Hepnarová
BECKER Nicolas The Lawyers
DĘBSKA Kinga My daughters, Cows
DOMAGALSKI Zbigniew My daughters, Cows
ETZ Barbara Conversation with Krzysztof Kieslowski, The Lawyers
JAXA Piotr Three Colors: Red, exhibition
JAZDON Mikołaj, Prof. introductions and discussions
JÓZEFOWICZ Kamila Galumphing
KOPCZYŃSKI Krzysztof The Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls The Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls
KOSCHANY Rafał, Dr introductions and discussions
KUŁAKOWSKI Alfons Brothers
KUREK Marcin I, Olga Hepnarová
LUSIŃSKI Jacek Carte Blanche
MACIEJEWSKI Łukasz Introductions, discussions, publications
MARTIN Alain The Making Off “Red”
OSIŃSKI Zbigniew Brothers
PACIARELLI Dorota Artistic Director of the festival
PETRYCKI Jacek Kites, No End, The Dybbuk. A Tale of Wandering Souls
PIESIEWICZ Krzysztof The Colors: Red, No End, Timbuktu, The Lawyers
QUADRI Jacopo Fuocoammare Fuocoammare
SOBOCIŃSKI Michał Three Colors: Red, Carte Blanche
SOBOCIŃSKI Piotr JR Three Colors: Red
VERDOSCI Pascal Three Colors: Red
VLCEK Petr I, Olga Hepnarová
VOIGT Andreas Conversation with Krzysztof Kieslowski, The Lawyers
WEINREB Tomáš I, Olga Hepnarová
WYCICHOWSKA Ewa Seven Women of Different Ages